A new release and series with The Womb's "INTRO"!

Cover of The Womb's 'INTRO'

It’s been a long time that I’ve wanted to release special compilations devoted to individual artists. Originally I had intended on doing so via the netBloc series, but when the opportunity came about to put together this extensive collection of personal favorites from The Womb’s vast catalog, I came to the realization that such a compilation called for a completely new series of releases. Since the goal of the series is to introduce (or re-introduce) a particular artist to blocSonic’s listeners, it made perfect sense to call the series “Intros”.

As stated previously, each release in the series focuses on one particular artist who I feel deserves a closer listen. This time around it focuses on Alan Driscoll’s band The Womb. Originally based in the UK and now based in Melbourne, Alan and the various members of the band have taken the band from its humble beginnings as an after school pastime to a rich and evolving musical project that now looks to be taking on an international hue with collaborators coming on board wherever Alan calls home. A project like this could easily turn into an unfocused affair, but through it all and the various collaborators, Alan manages to keep The Womb’s sound in tact. Not that there’s a “sound” per se, but there is a common thread through it all. What that common thread is, is hard to pinpoint, but it’s there. Each The Womb release is most definitely a The Womb release, regardless of what musical direction it tackles.

If you want to be taken on an enriching musical journey, begin with this compilation. When you’re done with it, do yourself a favor and explore the catalog. The Womb is a perfect example of what’s amazing about the internet and netaudio.

A very special thanks to Alan for taking the time to provide me with all I needed to make this release happen!

Thanks again to you for taking the time to download and/or listen. Remember… everything we release is cool to share! Always keep the music moving… share it… blog it… podcast it! If you’re in radio… support independent music and broadcast it!

Download your free copy of The Womb’s “INTRO”!

Mike Gregoire
Founder/Curator blocSonic.com