New release: The Honorable Sleaze returns with "Broad Street Boogie"!

Cover of The Honorable Sleaze's 'Broad Street Boogie'

It’s been a year since blocSonic has last been blessed by new music by the one and only The Honorable Sleaze. As you’ll hear, over the past year, he’s continued to perfect his art on both the production and lyrical fronts. Over the past few years, Sleaze has done a good job of developing a unique rhyme style and sound. If the mainstream hip-hop world was about QUALITY as opposed to… shoot… I don’t even know what it’s ‘about’ today… never-the-less… if it were about quality, Sleaze could find himself a place in the mainstream. However, this isn’t the case, with the exception of a few, REAL hip-hop’s place is now under the underground. There are too many only interested in replicating formulas, this has been the case for nearly 20 years. Mainstream hip-hop is now represented by biters biting biters biting biters. No room for unique voices such as Sleaze and the host of talented EMCEES holding it down for Richmond, Virginia aka RVA on this release. Consider yourself one of the lucky ones, to be clued into great music that many others are too oblivious to care about. Thank you for checking out REAL hip-hop.

Remember… everything we release is cool to share! Always keep the music moving… share it… blog it… podcast it! If you’re in radio… support independent music and broadcast it!

Download your free copy of “Broad Street Boogie”.

Mike Gregoire